Many Yogis consider the breath to be a powerful and essential part of one’s yoga practice. When a yogi can control their breath, they can control their prana or life force energy, which governs all that they think, feel and do. One of the best breathing techniques you can use to create a calm and peaceful mind is Sama Vritti Pranayama. This is a simple but highly effective yoga breathing exercise that can be practiced by just about anyone at just about any time. Mastering this technique will help center your mind to improve your meditation and yoga. Practicing this breath also creates a foundation for learning the more advanced pranayamas. What is Sama Vritti Pranayama? Sama Vritti Pranayama is a yoga breathing exercise that is also known as the equal breath or box breathing. Sama means “equal”, and vritti means “mental fluctuations”, so Sama Vritti Pranayama translates as “equal mental fluctuation breathing”. Samavritti pranayama is a ratio breathing technique that uses a set length o...
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